Showing posts with label Hacking zone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hacking zone. Show all posts

Create Keylogger using notepad


How to Create Keylogger in Notepad

Create Keylogger using notepad
keylogger is a type of small software which can record username and password of victim. In fact keylogger record every keystroke to a log file. Such type of keystroke records is dangerous which can tracks victim’s activity. Hacker can use keylogger to hack your all accounts, they can also hack victim’s bank passwords. Usually keylogger are not free in internet, but you can create your own keylogger with any text editor, in our case with a notepad. You don’t need any programming experience, just follow my steps.

How to Create Keylogger with Notepad

You don’t need any special tool to do this; primary requirement is a single text editor (note pad).